What to Consider Before Buying a Liquid Lipstick

What to Consider Before Buying a Liquid Lipstick

What to Consider Before Buying a Liquid Lipstick  Health Beauty Spot - Words 524

Gone are the days when lipstick only came in a stout little twist up tube. Not only can you find a lipstick in a short tube, but you can find it in an elongated twist-up tube, in a “duo” pack that includes a liner or a gloss, or even in a liquid form! If any woman tells you that she can’t “pull off” lipstick, she just hasn’t spent 5 minutes trying to find the right shade and consistency.

One of the more popular lipstick forms these days is the “liquid lipstick” that you can find on the market. A liquid lipstick comes in a lip-gloss style tube and a wand attached to the lid. When you screw open the lid, the wand is there with a cushion-like applicator at the tip.

Why Choose Best Liquid Lipstick?

Many women will choose a liquid lipstick because it is easier to apply and they believe it will give them a more “dramatic” look. The liquid liner is actually a lot more runny and thin than your old fashioned lipstick-in-a-tube make up, and it can be harder to reapply as well. If you are choosing a liquid lipstick, do so with caution.

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Not everyone has a “better” lipstick application experience with liquid lipstick than they do with a tube of lipstick, and it can be hard to achieve dramatic colors (such as deep reds and dark browns). If you are just starting with liquid lipsticks, then go for a neutral and natural tone to see if you like the “feel” and how long it lasts.

Many liquid lipsticks on the market can also stay on for a lot longer than “solid” forms of lipstick. If you are looking for a long-lasting lipstick, then going for a liquid lipstick may be the way to go.

What are the Drawbacks of Choosing a Liquid Lipstick?

The number one complaint to choosing a liquid lipstick is that it will completely dry out your lips in no time. If you plan on using a liquid lipstick, come armed with a quality chapstick or gloss to apply underneath the lipstick so that your lips aren’t left feeling dry and chapped.

Contrary to common belief, applying a liquid lipstick can also be more complicated than using a lipstick tube (mainly if you are using a lip brush to help guide the lipstick). If you choose a liquid lipstick, come armed with a quality liner to help keep the liquid lipstick in place and prevent it from running or rubbing off.
TIP: If you choose a liquid lipstick, you can still apply it more accurately with a lip brush, just as you would with a solid lipstick.
Make sure that, if you are choosing a liquid lipstick, that you do choose one that is a long-lasting type as those that are not “long lasting” or “all day lipsticks” tend to come off on, well, almost everything!