Natural Quick Fixes For Your Skin

Natural Quick Fixes For Your Skin

Natural Quick Fixes For Your Skin

Before you go running out to the closest drug or department store, consider what you have in your very own kitchen that can help solve any skin problem you may have or promote its health.

These quick and easy do it yourself skin treatments are natural, safe, and they will leave your skin feeling better than ever! Below are some of the best for both men and women.

For Softer Skin

To get softer skin, all you need is some natural or raw sugar to create a skin exfoliant. You can combine the raw sugar with olive oil if you want to create an exfoliant for the entire body (mix the two until the sugar and oil mix has a grainy consistency). If you are utilizing the scrub on your face, you can use a small amount of honey, lemon juice, and olive oil.

For Less Noticeable Pores

All you need to help diminish the appearance of your pores is some honey and egg whites. Take an egg and isolated the yolk from the whites, and toss the yolks. Add a spoonful of honey to the egg whites, and then mix it. Apply the mixture to your face and wait for it to try. Once dry, rinse it off with some cold water. Repeat this process every one to two weeks to help reduce your pore size.
TIP: As a bonus, many people who use this process also notice that their skin tone is noticeably more even!

For a Quick Facial Exfoliate

Anyone can throw this exfoliate together. All you need is ½ cup of milk and ½ teaspoon of salt. The salt will remove those dead skin cells, and the milk will nourish your skin. Take a cotton ball and dab the mixture all over the face. Leave the mixture on for up to 3 minutes, and then reapply the mix. Once dry, rub the mixture in a circular motion all over your face and then rinse it off.

For Soothing Irritated Skin

For skin irritations, such as sunburn, take one part of milk and combine it with three water parts. Freeze the mix in the freezer overnight. Take one of these frozen “milk cubes” and place it in a cloth, and then rub the fabric with the ice cube over your face to soothe your face and tighten up pores.

For De-Puffing the Eyes

Both of these are tried, tested and true methods for trying to get rid of puffy eyes. Cut two slices of cucumber and put them over the eye area. Relax for ten minutes, and then remove. You should notice that your eyes are significantly less puffy.

Alternatively, steep some chamomile tea and then place the tea bags in the fridge. Please wait for the tea bags to chill, and then put them over your eyes for up to ten minutes the following morning. Your eyes will be rejuvenated and refreshed.