Organic Hair Color – The Natural Way To Color

Organic Hair Color – The Natural Way To Color

Organic Hair Color The Natural Way To Color

Have you ever turned over the box of hair dye you’re holding and read the ingredients that are listed on the back? If you ever have, there’s a good chance you became at least slightly concerned – and for a good reason!

Most conventional hair dyes are made with tons of chemicals that are not only dangerous for our environment, but they are also dangerous for our health too! Some of the worst of the bunch include:
  • Ammonia
  • Peroxide
  • P-Phenylenediamine
  • Diaminobenzene=AD 
All of these are hazardous chemicals that you will not find in organic hair dye products. Organic hair dye utilizes natural, eco-friendly ingredients rather than load the hair dye up with strong, dangerous chemicals. Avoiding these chemicals means that you are protecting your health in many ways, as permanent hair dyes have been shown to cause the following illnesses over time:
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Lymphoma
  • Bladder cancer, and other forms of cancer
  • Concentration issues
  • Neurological difficulties
  • Memory problems 
NOTE: There is still an element of both peroxide and ammonia in organic hair dye, as these chemicals are necessary to help the hair color permeate the hair’s shaft and become permanent. You will notice that these two ingredients are in a far less quantity than conventional hair dyes.
Permanent organic hair dye will actually use flax and soy as a base for hair coloring. You will also notice natural, organic ingredients such as the following being included to help produce hair color:
  • Vitamin E and vitamin C
  • Antioxidants
  • Nettles
  • Flower essence
  • Rosemary
  • Grapefruit seed extracts
  • Lecithin
  • Walnut husk 
The formulation for a semi-permanent or temporary organic hair dye is a lot different in that it does not contain any harsh chemicals whatsoever. The downside to this, of course, is that the hair dye doesn’t last very long. You can expect the temporary organic hair dye to last only a few washes.

So how can you dye hair organically?

One of the key coloring agents that are used in organic hair dye is henna. Henna has been used to color skin, nails and hair for thousands of years. Though henna, when used in its natural state, will produce a red hair color, you can easily alter the color of henna by adding different ingredients. For instance, if you add water from brewed roasted tea leaves to the henna it will darken and deepen the henna shade, giving you a rich brown hair color rather than red.

Though organic hair dye products are natural, there still is a chance that you may experience an adverse reaction to these products. Just as you would do with your typical hair dye, always test the hair dye first. This will allow you to not only see what color your hair will turn out to be, but you will also be able to see whether or not you will suffer some sort of allergic reaction to the dye.