How to Apply Eyeliner on Small Eye Makeup Tips

How to Apply Eyeliner on Small Eye Makeup Tips

Mostly girls use eyeliner to cover up their insecurity over their small eyes. They think their eyes are “small and ferret-like.” In many ways, the girls who have small eyes always require special makeup tricks with completely different techniques of mascara and eyeliner. It is very rare to find how to apply eyeliner on small eye makeup tips. Girls get frustrated to know such tips because they want to look pretty and gorgeous.

eyeliner mistakes

No need to throw your eye liners as if you think they don’t suit your small eyes. Every problem has a solution so here you can find many ways to how to apply eyeliner on small eyes makeup tips. If you want to apply eyeliner on your small eyes then keep remember these tips:

Always use eyeliner on the upper lash of your eye


If you have small eyes then in order for the nude (beige) or white eye pencil tactic to work, you should not apply eyeliner on the lower lash line. You do not need to line the entire eye, but you need to keep the line thin and focused only on the external edge of your eyelid.

Don’t use eyeliner on the inner corners of the eye

how to apply eyeliner

If you have small eyes then you should know how to apply eyeliner on small eyes makeup tips like this one. If you apply the pencil right to the inner corner, your eyes will look quite smaller. So start putting liner at the outer corner and drag this line towards the center of the eyes. You can use a Q-tip or some fine thin but stiff brush to blend this crisp line of liner into the lash line, therefore the line doesn’t abruptly stop in the middle.

Also read: How to Apply Makeup Step by Step Like a Professional

Put the line as it should appear to fade away and it will get gradually thinner and thinner until you cannot see it any longer.

Use the liner close to the lashes

Another tip is the line should be as close as possible to the lashes. It should go upwards at the outer corner as almost in a Cat Eye shape. This trick will elongate your eyes and will make them appear larger than usual.

Eyeliner on lower lash

If you have small eyes then you need to remember that you will avoid applying graphic eyeliner to your lower lash line. You should keep the inner rims and the space of eyes just below your lower lashes bright. It will give the illusion of bigger eyes. Another thing is only use eye shadow to cast a fine shadow with this created makeup effect. You can use same medium to dark color which you’ve used on the outer corner of the eyes below your lower lash line.

Choose the right liner colors

It is another tip that if you have small eyes, experts recommends to avoid black as it can be too harsh and it can make the eyes look more deep-set. Use a chocolate brown, a blackened plum, or a navy blue color they will give depth without taking over your eyes.